What Discontinued yarn do you miss the most and you wish they will be back?
What Discontinued yarn do you miss the most and you wish they will be back?
Patons Zanzibar and another yarn named Zanzibar but made by another company. Two completely different but equally lovely yarns. Patons’ has a lightweight mohair strand with a metallic strand, but they’re just wound into the same ball, not twisted. I separate the strands and use them separately anyway, but they’re nice together too.
The other is a really soft, almost faux fur type yarn.
I liked a workhorse worsted weight yarn called Knitaly from Lane Borgosesia. It was beautifully plied and didn’t pill. What a dream.
What’s your favorite caseywen?
Rowan Scottish Tweed is my international one.
I also loved a pure silk by Louisa Harding called “Mulberry”. It made divine small shawls or scarves.
Locally (Australia), the Bendigo Woollen Mills has a nice line called “Rustic”. It’s non-superwash, worsted spun, and comes in various weights. I wish some of the discontinued colourways could be brought back. There used to be beautiful sophisticated heathers, made of multiple shades. Now the heathers are just one colour of wool mixed with undyed. Amd the colours are kind of blah.
I buy the cream undyed-look colourway to use as is or to dye, but you can’t dye heathers onto finished yarn. Maybe glazing can give a nuanced effect, but I am very much a beginner dyer so that will have to wait.
I might try over-dyeing one of the uninspired heathers and see what happens.
Which ones would you like to see back?
Reynolds Icelandic - the smaller sports weight one. Loved it. So warm.