What did YOU get for Christmas?

I got permission to go shopping online after family left last night! I have knitting books, hiya hiya circular needles (00 and 000, 2 of each), a row counter bracelet and some stitch markers (from hide and sheep on etsy), and…um, some more sock yarn. AND I am finally getting new sound in my van (big ol’ honda momma van) cd player that plays mp3s, AND new speakers too!!

The only thing I had under the tree was a pair of fur lined Crocs and a soniccare toothbrush - but I can’t complain too much, all dh asked for (and is receiving) is time to work on his hobby - tube amps and home-made speakers.

I really lucked out… a bunch of GCs to my LYS, a bunch of AmEx GCs, a bunch of Macy’s GCs, a GC for Border’s and the most beautiful glass oil lamp. I also got one of the Senseo coffee makers but it does not work so my DH is bringing it back today for me.

I got 2 subscriptions to knitting magazines and 2 subscriptions to crocheting magazines and I got 3 gift cards for my LYS. Isn’t it cool? And sweaters, scarves, pictures of grandkids. Love the pictures!!

one of my best friends at school got me three balls of some fun lion brand fun fur that i’ve already turned into a funky scarf, another friend got me one ball of pink furry yarn that i don’t know what i’ll make with it, and my parents got me a 100 dollar pre-paid visa card along with some other great stuff [like a Wii!!!] and i plan to use it on buying some yummy new yarn!

also the complete series dvd’s of gilmore girls, which i fully intend on watching while knitting lol.

DH got me a swift, some Lantern Moon needles, and a $50 GC to the LYS. I also got a $30 GC to the LYS from another relative! YAY!!

my favorite presents were knitting related…with maybe the exception of my new programmable coffee maker.

-2008 knitting calendar
-knitting lingerie style book
-size 13 lantern moon needles
-600 yards of handspun laceweight cashmere

DH got me a ball winder!! I also received several knitting books, travel pattern kit, and a Lantern Moon knitting organizer case.

From brother and SIL: [I]Suss Cousins Home Knits[/I], [I]One-Skein Wonders, and Vogue Knitting Crocheted Scarves and Crocheted Scarves Two.

[/I]Kind of funny, because I don’t really crochet, but my brother (who works for Patternworks) said he knewI liked to knit scarves, so he thought I’d like to crochet them too–I do like to knit scarves, but I’m still a moderately new knitter, so I haven’t done much else yet! But it was sweet nonetheless, and now I have a good reason to learn to crochet!

From my mother, 6 skeins of Lion brand yarn : three a multi-colored boucle, and three a black, purple, and blue fun fur. :shrug:

i had a very knitty christmas!!!
-my dh got me a lendrum single treadle spinning wheel, some fiber, and the amos spinning book (birthday/christmas/mother’s day/the rest f my life present)
-my parents got me all of the elizabeth zimmerman books they could find
-my brother got me charmed knits
-my other brother & girlfriend got me 2 skeins lorna’s laces & the spin to knit book
-that brother also worked with my dad and built me an AMAZING oak warping board for me to dye my sock yarns on! i just need to varnish it and i’ll be ready to go! wahoo!!!

DH gave me the one thing I asked for… A Mother Marion Kick Spindle. I love it, it is so much fun to use! And beautiful to look at!

I got a laptop and the computer game Zuma. Oh, and a new washing machine… not really for Christmas, but it beats doing laundry by hand.

The only knitting related gift I received was the pleasure of being able to give some gifts I had knit. What could be better?

I only got a few knitty pressies but they’re nice ones :mrgreen:

From DH --> Mosaic Knitting ( the revised edition) by Barbara G Walker :woot: I’ve been wanting it for AGES :woot: :woohoo::yay::cheering::heart:

From big brother --> A £10 voucher for www.getknitted.com :woot:

From Aunty --> A lovely little kit to knit a pair of pink slippers :cheering:

I’ve also got £10 cash that I might treat myself to something knitty with…

OH and I gave a knitted gift, a scarf, to my brothers girlfriend (and possible future sister in law if he proposes like I suspect he might!) but she lives over in America so I’ve no idea if she likes it or not >_<

Knitting-related items:

  1. The Total Tote, which I love.
  2. Harmony cable needles.
  3. KnitPicks yarn.

Non-knitting-related items:
Lots of Satsuma from The Body Shop. An electric oil diffuser from The Body Shop. A sofa table made by my father. Money. Three CDs and an iPod Nano!

DH gave me some options needles (2 fixed 16" sizes and some nickle interchangeables) and some of the plastic pouches.

My parents gave me Teva Durham’s new booklet and the yarn to make the Peasant Blouse. As well as a very generous check to do with what I please. I am thinking Rowan Sweet Life Ashbury bag and the rest to go to savings.

I knit my Mom the Luxe Neck Warmer from Knit Two Together out of Colinette Prism.

I knit my sister a beaded pulse warmer from Knitting Classic Style. I still owe her Urchin in Colinette Prism, but the yarn did not arrive in time.

My brother actually asked to go shopping at the yarn store last Saturday so he could pick out 2 yarns for hats for himself. I have one almost done already. I love to make him hats because he really seems to appreciate them.

I am a very lucky girl!

Six skeins of some vintage acrylic from Goodwill (I think) from my grandma, who smokes a LOT…
So yeah.

But I did get all three seasons of THE OFFICE! :smiley:

I got some JoAnn $$. My DH bought me a gold and diamond bracelet. I don’t wear bracelets or gold but, what the heck, it’s pretty enough and he tried so hard! My little boy (2) gave me poopy pants and a temper tantrum :teehee: . My doggie shed more fur on me and tried to run away from home when the smoke detector went off :rofl: . I think I like the bracelet and JoAnn $$ the best. :aww:

Sounds like everyone did well for Christmas,congratulations and enjoy all your gifts.

I got 4 knitting books…

Knitting Patterns for Dummies
KNnitting with Balls
compliments of my bratty brother…
Quick Knits to Wear
and the 2008 Calender of Knitting.

Love them all…

I got Harmony Circs in US1-3 and KP Gloss yarn with the pattern for the holiday socks. Mum also gave me the book Favorite Socks from Interweave. The best of the knitting items was a sewn bag that’s just the right size for a pair of socks. The best knitting present was the look on my sister’s face when she really looked at the scarf I made for her. It was just the MSCS pattern, but she thinks it’s neat. I really like the scarf she crocheted for me, too. Busy Girl that she is, she crocheted me a scarf, managed to sneak fabric and make a polar fleece hockey themed blanket for Mum and thought up the best gifts for everyone. She’s really the only one who gives gifts that people 100% like without asking what they’d like beforehand. She just knows.

The absolute best part of Christmas was when we were leaving my grandparent’s house and Dad went on a ninja gift giving spree. It was so fun to see him run up to Grandpa’s house to drop off the present and run away before they had a chance to say no. He was smiling and laughing and being very different from his usual self.