What did YOU get for Christmas?

Someone has to start this topic, so I will. What Knitting Items did you get for Christmas?

I got Knit Picks Classic Circular needles, the 16 inch length in sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.

I got the newly released Knitting Around DVD with Elizabeth Zimmerman and Meg Swansen.

2 skeins of Lion Brand Fancy Fur that my son bought me with his own money.

AND a 100 dollar gift card to a yarn store. It’s not in my neighborhood, it’s near my parents- 3 hours away- mom said it’s partly for Christmas and partly for my birthday and then she increaed the amount to help off set the cost of gas. Plus she wants me to visit. I could shop their on line but it is a nice shop and I’ve only been there once.

What other great knitting things did people get??

I got an antique swift from my grandma, some yarn spools/bobbins from my sister, and some wool from my mom.
Here is the swift (It’s been repaired). I’ve posted about it before.

My mom got me a swift and ball winder. My dh gave me some Araucania nature cotton and some Blue Sky cotton. :woohoo:

My sister’s got me a $40 Peace Fleece gift certificate :woohoo:

I had wanted to get a new sewing machine for the last year … old
boyfriend gave me one about 10 years ago, a little Omega Denim Machine to make my mohair bears … it wouldn’t even go through the mohair so I hardly used it … when I moved here three years ago to marry my good husband I brought the machine with me as I had no other … I did make some window toppers but that was the extent of it mostly because the thread constantly knotted up …

When I became interested in crazy quilting I mentioned to my husband that I would like to get a machine that also did embroidering … he knew that I didn’t sew much and said he would get me a machine if I thought I would use it … I had wanted to make a couple of dog coats so I made one on my old machine … I spent more time taking out knotted up bobbin thread
than I did actual sewing though I did eventually get it finished …

I had gone out looking at machines a few months ago and examined practically all of them … Pfaff, Brother, Singer, Bernina … a lady at a quilting shop said that I “needed” the Bernina … it was the “best for my needs” … my limited little needs were not going to spend $6700.00 … I had a demo on a Singer Futura and liked it because the embroidery software came with it and the others you had to buy it separately for around $700-$1000.00 … a few days before Christmas the lady from the Singer shop called me and asked if I would still like the machine … normally she would not have had any in until sometime in January but someone had ordered one and then decided they did not want it so she had one at the warehouse … I picked it up last week … I will get lessons, as many as I need … she is a quilter and knows about CQ as well … bonus. :slight_smile:

I bought myself some knitting books from amazon.com and they arrived in the mail right before Christmas.

I’ll also buy myself some yarn this week too… no one I know -knows anything about knitting , nor would they know what to buy me ‘knitting wise’ so, I leave that up to myself. :wink:

Dear Hubby got me the Baby Surprise Jacket DVD. I had heard that the instructions for the BSJ were confusing. I’m glad I have the visual of it now. BSJ is on my Looong list of patterns I want to do. My want-to-knit-patterns exceed my life expectancy!

Each year we post our Christmas wish list on the fridge door. I had only a dress watch and the DVD listed. I got them both plus some other very nice gifts.

I hope all have safe travels this Holiday Season and have a healthy and great New Year.

My sweet family . . . talk about surprises. The KnitPicks box had some yarn in a beautiful green and blue varigated, and some Addi Turbo’s and a book. Can’t be more specific because that box was left at my sons. The BIG gift they gave me is a new Cuisinart to replace my 17 year old one that was having trouble over heating almost every time I used it. WOW!!! I was so amazed!

The baby, of course, made out quite well. She loved the boxes and paper and the hippo that we bought her from IKEA.

[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=5][COLOR=seagreen]I got a yarn sweft and ball winder, I asked for them so I could learn to dye yarn. I was dying yarn all day with food coloring and a microwave.:slight_smile: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Gift certificate to the local yarn store! Woohoooo!

Knitpicks Option set and 8 skeins of Wool/silk boucle hand painted yarn plus 2 skeins of thick/thin wool silk in the most amazing shades of blue/purple/green from DH ( my Mom helped him )

Twisted Sister knitting book from Mom & Dad plus some other great stuff

Zimmerman Almanac Book from sister

Made out like a bandit with all the other nice stuff I got :aww:

I got a bathrobe that was much too small. DH is not very good in the gift department. But it’s ok, before Christmas I ordered MYSELF a set of Options which I hope will arrive today.

I got an ipod and a popcorn bear teddy knitting kit and also £40 in vouchers for my lys .
I think my DH is finally learning lol. It is the fisrt time he has got me anything to do with knitting lol :slight_smile:

I got a sheep. Well, a sheep plushie. My daughter made me a felt sheep plushie that is just SO cute. I also got a coupon for a “day off” from my middle child and my son gave me a sudoku game for the PS2. He told dh that he wanted to get me a PS2 game that I could win since I am so horrible at the games they play (I get lost just turning around on their RPG’s). So cute. I also got a pair of Viking Brooches for our medieval society playing. Very lovely. Oh and my mother bought me bees through Heiffer.

I got some row counters, a ‘Chix with stix’ bag and a ball winder and swift (the last two haven’t arrived yet). My daughter and I are both looking forward to the ball winder and swift!!. I also got a 'I love to knit" charm for my key chain.

I got the KnitPicks harmony set (because I did my mom’s shopping for her.:wink: )

My MIL found a 3-ring binder entitled The Complete Knitting Collection from the House of White Birches. Just glancing through it, it seems to have quite a bit of how to stuff and tons of patterns and things. I’m looking forward to exploring that.

MIL also gave us (dd and me) a couple of pairs of large needles (US 17’s and 19’s)

Oh, and dd gave me one of these yarn cutters.

The yarn cutter was funny because first she has limited funds, and she asked me if she could get one for this lady we know who knits. I said I didn’t think she needed to spend her money that way. A couple days later she asked if I would take her to JoAnn so she could by one for herself. I told her it was fairly expensive and didn’t think she should spend her money on that.

In the meantime, I bought her one for her stocking. :smiley:

Then dh came to me and said he was taking her shopping and she wanted to go to JoAnn. I told him NOT to let her buy that because I’d already bought it. I got that 'you’re SO slow" look and he said, “Perhaps she doesn’t want to buy it for herself.!”

Oh, duh…she bought one for ME for Christmas. Boy did I make it hard on her to secretly get one for me! Poor kid! We had quite a laugh at our thinking alike when we both opened them on Christmas day! :cool:

Most of my gifts were video games and movies. But I did get a couple gift cards to Michaels and Hobby Lobby! :slight_smile:

I’m going to watch for sales and use coupons, so I can get a good deal. I’ll probably use them to buy a couple nice knitting books.

GC to the yarn shop, some Malabrigo and baby alpaca, and Stargate SG-1 action figures.

Sounds like everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I loved reading your stories-congrats on the new Sewing Machine :woohoo: I love to sew, so I know getting a sewing machine is a VERY exciting gift!!:teehee:

I enjoyed hearing about the yarn cutter story too-that sounds like something that would happen in my family! LOL.

I didn’t get any knitting gifts, but I did get a knitted gift from my mother! A beautiful cream colored cotton drawstring bag (a Frugal Haus free pattern) filled with bubble bath soaps (4 bottles-woohoo!) and a gift certificate from Bath and Body works. Yah!

I did buy myself two knitting books before Christmas though, because I knew no one would get them for me :mrgreen: HA! So I did get knitting gifts after all.

:knitting: Happy knitting everyone!

My Mom gave me the EZ Knitting Workshop DVD and book, my sister a GC to my favorite LYS and my niece/nephew gave me a GC to JoAnn’s…Has such a nice holiday with knitting gifts a wonderful bonus! cloud9