What can you do with the extra wool

I have do many balls of wool that I don’t know what to do. They are different colours and types. Can I make a simple throw, scarf or something like patch work ,
Please give me some ideas I want to use all these leftover wools. I am just a beginner so need help with simple patterns or ideas.

I’ve used all different weights and random colors to make a long scarf knit lengthwise. You don’t even have to weave in the ends. You can use them as fringe.
Similar to these:

I used mostly stockinette and reverse stockinette but you can vary the pattern stitch any way you’d like. Thinner weight yarn can be doubled if necessary.

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There are lots of ideas to be found if you Google scrap yarn blanket or sweater.
My son would love a scrap yarn sweater, the more colours and textures the better. It depends what you like, I wouldn’t want a multicolour top but that’s me.

I made some can cosies and jar cosies with scrap and planted them up for the play room, colourful stripes and also tried out some new stitches I hadn’t done before. My very first one or two were not all that successful whilst I worked out sizes etc but I got it right in the end and I think it was a good learning experience for a beginner knitter like me.
My son planted some up for his teacher gifts too.

Thank you do very much your tips were very helpful

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There is a church in the town where I live that takes yarn donations. Their women’s craft group makes all kinds of things that they sell and then give the $$ to local charities!!!

Check in your town to see if u can find a craft group that could use your leftovers!!!
