What baby stuff are you knitting?

UGGG! Help! I finally figured out how to use the circs but now I have connected the two ends and I wanted a straight object…can you help???

With my first grandbaby due in September I have dozens of ideas in my head.

I have Aunt Pearls Cable baby blanket OTN, with a number of modifications. In the shoot are two Oat Couture patterns; one for a zip front romper and one ababy bunting that look like they will be challenging but fun.

I also have a button front bunting I plan to make for winter use. I have not decided what to use on the bottom of the drawstring buntings but I am thinking about putting elastic in the casing. I don’t want to put the strings but I don’t want to leave them open either. Knitting it shut or seaming makes diaper change difficult. So I thought I might try elastic.

i am working on a ladybug hat from bevs country cottage

My baby is due in September, and I plan to make 1-2 blankets, a set of booties and mitts, at least 1 hat and sweater set, and if it’s a girl I have a pattern for an adorable dress. Oh, and I’m going to make a knitted stuffed animal or 2 as well.:cheering: I like the idea of the bundle thing ( I forgot the name of it already), so I think I’ll add that to my list.:inlove:
So many ideas, so little time. LOL

Hi Everyone
l’m new to the site and after looking around l’m impressed
l have just took up knitting after a break of over 20 years, l’m not brilliant at it but do ok
lm severley disabled and get a kick out of producing something useful
l have started again as l’m to be a great grandma in June.
So far l have mitts. bonnet’s and little boy’s helmets in different sizes. And a blanket.
l have the back and fronts of a cardigan with a nice easy pattern and am 1/4 way up the first sleeve.
l will do another cardigan and leave others to do the bootees as l’m no good at those.

Mom23 kids

Did you get help with your problem of joining the straight piece by accident?

Yup, you have started knitting in the round. You need to frog back to where you connected and flip your needles and knit back and forth just like you would if you were knitting with straight ones. HTH,

I just finished a couple of burp cloths for a friend’s baby. I made a bunch of them for my sister’s baby–she loves them. I’ve got a blanket OTN for the baby, too (the dishcloth pattern, mentioned above). I’m using a couple of colors to make it interesting.

No replies, but I did figure out that I have to turn the work! DUHHH! It was a total blonde moment!

Thanks for asking!