What are your favorite knitting boooks?

What are your favorite knitting books? I would like to know about the informational ones and maybe one or two of your favorite pattern, etc books. I will be out book buying soon and would like the help.
Thanks everyone.

I just got my Nicky Epstein’s “knitting on the edge” and i have to say it looks fabulous and i’m sure i will be getting much use out of it. IT has finishings and edgings for everyone and if you want to make your garment special - that’s the book i’d look in. I also have Debbie Bliss “Special Knits” and “Simply Baby”, that have really lovely baby designs.

I like Sally Melville’s KNIT STITCH and PURL STITCH books for instruction and patterns. Last Minute Knitted Gifts is another favorite as well as the STITCH 'N BITCH books and MASON-DIXON KNITTING.

The Sweater Workbook by Jacqueline Fee for knitting in the round seam free sweaters. The Complete Book of Knitting by Barbara Abbey. The Yarn Stash Workbook by Laura Militzer Bryant for ideas for using up odd skeins of yarn.

I agree with Debb. Those books are fab! I just got in the mail Ann Budd’s pattern book and love it! Also, getting started knitting and getting started knitting socks are great. Sensational socks is wonderful. But if I could have only one reference book it would be Knitspeak. Such a great reference book.

I’d have to say that my favorite books so far are:

How to Knit by Debbie Bliss

The Handy Book of Patterns by Ann Budd

The Knitter’s Bible by Claire Crompton

I have some others but these are the main ones that have helped me…


two of my favorite books are ‘a gathering of lace’ and ‘victorian lace today’. Both have wonderful and varied patterns and are beautiful books besides. Another neat book that is also beautiful is ‘indigo knits’ with lots of neat patterns for denim yarns

ooh! a colllection of books!

Silly but true, I like “Knitting For Dummies”. It has all the basics in it!!!:yay:

My favorites are mostly stories about knitting. I absolutely loved Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate hudson and The Chicks With Sticks series is really good. I read Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee the other day and I was laughing HYSTERICALLY! I bougth The Secret Language of Knitters by Mary Beth Temple a couple of months ago and loved it. It’s a dictionary of a bunch of knitting terms and its hilarious. Those are my favorites.

Everything debb listed. Anything Elizabeth Zimmerman. My knitting bookshelf runneth over.

I love ‘Mosaic Knitting’ by Barbara G Walker.