What am I doing wrong.

Working on a shrug pattern. There is a 5 row sequence which included 2 increase rows ie M1R knit to marker M1L repeat to next marker. When I do this there are big holes in that row. I have taken it out at least 3 times as it looks horrible. Any suggestions as to how to prevent the “holes”. Thanks

Are you doing them as in this video? To avoid holes the ‘yo’ picked up between stitches has to be twisted. If possible I sub lifted increases because I don’t like doing m1’s.

Thanks for your quick response. I have looked at several YouTube videos but haven’t done what you have suggested I will give it a try


I think in the video I linked that if it’s easy you’re probably not getting it right. That’s why I don’t like m1’s. They aren’t easy. lol


If you still don’t like the M1R and M1L, here’s a video on the lifted increases GrumpyGramma metioned. I think I’ll start doing these as well…Make1 is just awkward.

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I try to use the lifted increases wherever I can. They become part of the knit fabric in a very organic way.

(see the second part of the video at about 3 minutes)
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Another fan of lifted increases here. I use them both in the middle and at the edges of rows and always like the effect far better than m1, especially when using yarns with a lot of stitch definition.


Thanks for the link. I should have found a video seeing as I brought up lifted increases. I will typically do my lifted increase, k1 before the marker then reverse it to k1, inc. For me it just works and looks better. YMMV and of course there are always those pesky exceptions. If i want one stitch between increases I do the left leaning first, k1, then do the right leaning.

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