What a Bargain I got!

Wow! I went to Hobby Lobby today, looking for a circular needle cable, and found out they have 40% off of all knitting needles and accessories, and crochet hooks and accessories.
So, I bought a Boye NeedleMaster kit! http://www.wrights.com/wrights/products/catalog/boyeline/7312_lg.htm
At 40% off, I saved about thirty dollars.
They also have a bunch of yarns on sale right now for about a dollar a skein, up to about 3.00.

For you beginner knitters and crocheters, keep looking at the sales, at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, JoAnn, and even Walmart. JoAnn has a 50% off coupon good this weekend on any single regular-priced item. That’s an excellent deal, too!:thumbsup:

Yeah HL has those sales pretty regularly. That’s one reason I shop there a lot. :mrgreen:

I think HL is the best place for beginner knitters, but, JoAnn, every once in a while, has dollar skeins, too. Gotta keep looking at the store ads, to save money.
Did you knit that hat in your photo?

Grr they don’t have any hobby lobbies in NJ, NY, or PA…and those are the only three states I can really get stuff from. I’ve never seen a JoAnn’s either but I bet there’s one around someplace. I generally depend on Wal-Mart, sad as that is, and I used to get stuff from Rag Shop before they closed.

If you go to the Jo Ann’s site you’ll find that there are stores fairly close to you. Staten Island, and Colonia, NJ are reasonably close I think.

There are also Michael’s stores near you as well.

If you get on Joann’s mailing list they send you a 50% off coupon about once a month or so. very nice:yay:

And JoAnn has Woolease on sale at $2 a skein. I just bought out all they had in a lucious green to make my son the Laughing Carrots sweater from Knitty’s Winter issue!

Sadly, no Hobby Lobbies in Canada either. I was contemplating the Boye Needlemasters set at Michael’s with their weekly 40% off a regularly priced item coupon. Maybe after Christmas…

I heart hobby lobby…

PS: Hobby Lobby always has THIS as well:

They change the date on it weekly, but if the knitting items aren’t on sale that week…You’ll know what to use this on! 40% off regularly priced items, baby!

What a great deal! I think I need to hint a little more to my family about my hope to find interchangeables under the tree this year. :flirt:

I think AC Moore is big in NY, NJ. You can go to their site and check for a local store, and sign up for their flyers and coupons and things.