Weird starting question

So I am knitting a sweater scarf and my brain has decided to tell me I have no clue what I’m doing and give me a existential crisis I have cast on awesome cool! Do I knit a row before I start the pattern? Or just jump into the rib pattern?

What pattern are you making?
Generally you just dive straight into the pattern, in this case rib, unless the pattern tells you to begin with a row of knit first, which some do.

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Snow drop sweater scarf from knitatude it says to cast on 43 and then it tells me the rib pattern

Nice looking sweater scarf.


Yep I’m planning on knitting one for my daughter and then myself I haven’t found the yarn I want for mine yet she found her yarn lol

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Very pretty! Unless you’re pattern says to knit the first row, just start right into the rib pattern.
Good luck finding a lovely yarn for this sweater.

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Ty so much for the help guys

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