Weird Increase

I’m knitting a hoody for my granddaughter and am on the hood part.
The pattern reads:
Row 7 (Increase row) (rs)knit 2 m1R knit to sm m1L slipm knit to sm slipm m1R knit to last 2 sts m1L knit 2.

Fair enough, but then it says working in stocking stitch repeat Row 7 (increase row) every 4 rows until stitch count is 78.

My question is if I increase on both the knit and purl rows, how does the m1R and m1L work? Largely because the instructions for a m1R is pick up the bar and knit into the front of it. So on a purl row do I knit or purl on the bar.

Off to lie down.

Hope you feel better after a lie down!
Patterns can be exhausting!

It’s possible to do matching increases on the purl side but I don’t think you need to.

Row 7 is RS row
Every 4th row will be rows 11, 15, 19, 23 and so on until the correct stitch count. These are also right side rows so will be knit.
The wrong side rows will be purled.

Hope this helps

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I’m currently working on a hooded project and have a question about the increase instructions. The pattern asks for m1R and m1L, but I’m a bit confused about how to apply these on purl rows. If I’m increasing on knit rows and just purling on the others, should I be concerned about the bar between stitches during the purl rows? Any tips or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Once you make the increase on the knit row, treat the loop on the needle from the M1 as any other stitch on the row. If the sts on the following row are purled, then just purl that increase loop.

Aha! It doesn’t say every 4th row it says every 4 rows so I assumed the next 4 rows which is daft! Every 4th makes perfect sense. Thank you muchly. :blush:

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You’re welcome. Hope it works out for you now.

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It’s easy to get tangled up in the pattern language. Sometimes in desperation, I read the directions aloud to see if they make sense that way.

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