Weaving in ends

Hi I’m new here and got a question on weaving in.ive just k it a scarf with desire chiffon how do i weave in the ends.

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Similar to this yarn?

What are you knitting with the chiffon yarn?
Is this the kind of chiffon yarn that has holes along one edge into which you knit? If so for the very ends of the scarf, you fold the yarn back for about 2-3inches to cover the raw edge and knit through both loops to the end. If you didn’t begin that way, you could perhaps use a sewing needle to fold over and tack down the beginning edge, depending on what you’re making.

Sorry about this I’m still lost as to how you knit both with the yarn you have left…

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If this is the ribbon with the holes on one edge then fold the ends like this and knit through the folded holes. See 1:20min in this video.

You would do the same at the end. Fold over the edge and knit through the two layers to create a clean edge. No need to weave in an end.
Is this the type of ribbon yarn you’re using or does your yarn not have the holes at one edge?
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