Waste Yarn Leave on Needle

I don’t understand this instruction: At the beginning of the next round, work 40 stitches with the waste yarn. Leave yarn in place and work the same 40 stitches again with the MC. Continue working in St st for 3 inches.
Does this mean to use the working yarn or to work the same 40 stitches? And do I work just these 40 stitches for 3 inches or all the stitches in that round?
Thank you for your help
Pattern is goddess_sue_knits_knit_sox_baseball_hat

This is a method of saving stitches and keeping your fabric all joined together with the waste yarn until a later stage when the stitches will be used in another instruction an the waste yarn removed.
It it’s likely that once you have worked the 40 sts in the waste yarn, and again in the main colour, you will work the full round for the 3 inches, however it may not be the full round. It would be really useful to know what pattern you are making and which part of the pattern you are on.
If you can tell us the name/number and designer or post a link to the pattern somone will to be able to help more specifically.

lt’s as Creations mentioned, the waste yarn is holding an opening. That waste yarn will be removed later to free up live stitches on either side which will be picked up. These sts are for the brim of the hat.
For now continue working the 3 inches all the way around the hat. Under the directions for Brim on page 2 you’ll remove the waste yarn and knit the brim. You’ll have 79sts rather than 80 but you can pick up an extra stitch at the border between the 2 sets of sts if you would like.
This is similar to an afterthought heel in sock (not Sox) knitting or a some thumbs in mittens.


Another way to think of this technique is that it acts like a zipper, allowing you to “unzip” an opening in your knitting later on by dint of unpicking the scrap yarn.


Thank you so much for you reply and knowing that you have knit it really helps. I don’t understand the “leave yarn in place part”. Does that mean I leave them on the right needle? Or do I just move them to left needle and knit with working yarn?
BTW-I tried to send you a message but the system said I couldn’t send you a message


It just means leave the waste yarn in place, ie it has been used to knit those stitches, now leave it in the fabric. I imagine your main yarn is attached at the beginning of the round on the right needle so you can slip the 40 stitches back to the left needle and you should then be back at the beg of round and with the main colour, working yarn in position to rework the same 40 stitches, and continue the round.


Thank you so much!

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