Warmest Greetings from a village high up in the Northern Pennines of England 🌍

Hi fellow Knitters and Creators of beautiful things,
Nicolas here from as my subject heading says from a very beautiful little village that’s very high up in the most gorgeous part of England!:earth_africa::black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

I absolutely love and am just soooo passionate about the many crafts that I love pursuing​:yarn::thread:🪡

For me it’s not about making money from my passions, it’s about how it blows my mind every day I pick up a Knitting Needle or Crochet Hook, or Embroidery Needle and actually create something from that ball of Yarn, that Silk thread or that craft cotton. And that everything created by my own hand contains a little bit of me in it!!!

My daily life continues to be full of happiness because crafting is in my soul🙋:national_park::national_park::national_park:


Greetings, I just looked up on Google Maps and found the North Pennines. We drove through there several years ago after going in to Hexam for the Whiterose grocery market for a load of their wonderful caffeine free tea, from there down to Hawks Head Hill above Ambleside in the Lake District. Truely beatiful part of the world! Happy knitting!

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Greetings to you from San Rafael, CA (Northern California) - there is so much going on in the world that feels alarming, that knitting has become my self-soother on a daily basis. In addition, I am an avowed Anglophile and love, love, love hearing from folks in the UK! I am looking forward to seeing some of the things you create, when you feel like sharing. You can use the “Whatcha Knitting” section if you have a photo as well as the story of the project. In short, welcome!


Hey fellow Creators,
Thank you soooo much for ALL your lovely replies - it’s GREAT to hear from you!!!

Thought I’d better post 3 photos of what have been busy making for Christmas presents :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:


What are you making for Christmas presents? You knitting is so lovely and even, I am curious to know what the finished product(s) will be…

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Hey Claudia,
Thank you sooo much for your lovely compliments!!!:slight_smile::+1:

They are Facecloths - will be enclosing with each one a special bar of soap which are handmade too!:evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:

Sending you warmest wishes from a very cold and snowy :cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow: England,
Nicolas :blush:

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What a great idea! I have finished a few of those myself but did not think of adding the bar of soap - thank you for the inspiration!

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Nice face cloths. Maybe you could knit up some soap savers to put your home made soap into? Soap savers are the “thing” just now aren’t they.

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