Vicki Square Water and Sky Kimono Pattern

Hi everyone – I was hoping to use this kimono pattern, but the written instructions (not the weave pattern itself) are just incredibly confusing to me at line 7 and 8. The counts of the stitches before and after the markers change, but do not return to their original count. Not sure if I can offer more as it is not a free pattern. Can’t find any other info online. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum!

The stitch counts should stay the same. Every time you work a shaping row there is a decrease near the beginning of the row and an increase toward the end of row.
Work the first shaping row on row 7 then repeat the shaping on rows 15, 23 and 31. That’s every 8th row worked 3 times more. Work the intervening rows with no shaping, no increases or decreases.
The direction: one stitch before the first marker and 5sts after the last marker is a summary of the edge sts after the shaping is complete.
Thank you for thinking about the designer copyright. The section you posted is just fine.

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Many thanks for these extremely helpful explanations! I just couldn’t get the counts right before and after markers, and now you’ve made it so clear why. Can’t wait to dig back into this lovely pattern.

Thanks so much!

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The wave pattern is so much fun to work. We’d love to see a photo when you finish!