Very old pattern

Over 40 years ago, my mother had a lovely pattern for a baby’s picot-edged matinee coat which she knitted so often, it fell apart. I have never found a nicer pattern and would love to knit it myself. My question is, if I supplied a photo, is there any organisation which would be able to generate a pattern for me. Is this even possible? Many thanks.

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Have you tried taking a photo and then doing a Google images search? Google will search images that look similar and… you never know…it could pop up with the pattern you want. If not, well, it’s only a few minutes of your time taken in looking through the results.

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If you have a local yarn shop, they might be able to generate a pattern or know someone who could.
You can post a photo here if you’d like. Someone might recognize the pattern.
A search of vintage pattern sites is also worth pursuing.

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Thank you so much for your helpful suggestions, all of which I shall pursue. Fingers crossed!

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