very obscure instructions

The pattern I’m attempting to follow reads as follows:
At the end of next row (from WS) cast on 3 sts for armhole and now cast on 3 sts at the end of every 4th row from WS a total of 0-1-2-3-4-5 times. At the end of next row from WS cast on 26-24-23-22-20-19 sts 1 time = 123-126-130-133-136-139 sts.
I’m making the smallest size, therefore casting on 0 stitches at the end of the 4th row. So, do I cast on 26 stitches at the end of the 1st or 5th row? I’ve never felt so confused about a row count!

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
When there is a 0 (or a - or x) for your size, skip those directions entirely. These things can be confusing no matter which way you turn the instructions.
Cast on 3 sts for the armhole, skip the “every 4th” and at the end of the next WS row, cast on 26sts.
What is the name of your pattern?

This pattern is Drops 110-1 jacket.
I’ve been knitting for a long time and seen a lot of different ways to say the same thing, but for some reason this particular set of instructions just threw me for a loop!
Thanks for your help.

Drops patterns are translations and so not always straightforward to understand. There’s a tendency to over-specify.
Really lovely jacket. Have fun knitting the rest of the pattern.

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Yeah, they have some really beautiful patterns, and some really different instructions. Thanks so much. I’m actually making something for myself for once, and it really is pretty.

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