I am knitting an Elann pattern for a v-neck top. The pattern can be found here: http://www.elann.com/ShowFreePattern.asp?Id=282024
There are 78 st on the needle. I am confused about this part:
Work as for Back until armhole measures 1½”, end wrong-side row; pm either side of center 2 sts.
Divide for Neck: (RS) Continue armhole shaping as for Back, work across to 6 sts before marker, k2tog, p2, k2; join a second ball of yarn and k2, p2, k2tog-tbl, work to end of row. Work 1 row even.
Dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 16 (16, 18) times as established - 18 (20, 20) sts rem each side for shoulders.
Work even until armhole measures 8 (8½ , 9)", end wrong-side row. Bind off all sts in pattern.
If you put a marker on either side of the middle two stitches then you have two stitches that are just left on the needle without being worked per the directions. Should I PM at the center of the sts? Am I missing something?
The picture shows an edging on the v-neck that I’m assuming is the p2k2. If you decrease one st on the neck edge then you lose the p2k2 edge. Should I decrease in k2tog, p2, k2 fashion every other row?