V-neck boxy by Joji Locatelli

I’m struggling with instructions for rejoining saved stitches in the first part of this pattern (back shoulders). Can anyone help me with this?

Welcome to KH!
Very nice sweater.

Can you quote just the directions for rejoining the saved stitches? Don’t post a large portion of the pattern due to copyright. A few rows or lines of the instructions are ok.

I am having the same difficulty. After doing short rows, breaking yarn and saving to waste yarn, doing the other side and casting on, how do you put the one on the waste yarn back onto the needle? Short row end first, or last? Since I have now idea where the short rows end up, it’s impossible to figure this out.

Is this for joining in the round after casting on for under arm or a different place on the sweater?
Is it possible to work out which way the stitches go on the needle by making the right side face out from the circular the same as your other piece which is already on the needle?

Would you like to quote the row/round and maybe post a photo of your pieces? I’m sure someone can help.

Welcome to KH!
Can you quote the directions for the part that’s confusing? Just give us that portion please and not a large part of the pattern. We can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyright.

See if these notes from a project knitter on Ravelry help. If not let us know. See part headlined “April 20, 2020”

ETA: Here’s also a link to Joji’s group on Ravelry and a discussion of the same area you’re asking about.