It can’t be true, can it, that there is no way to successfully unknit short rows? I’m a fairly new knitter and working on my first project that has short rows. Picking up the knit short rows was easy, but picking up the purled ones went very awry. It was a mess-- I don’t really know why…
I’m making a shawl and the short rows start 6 rows into the pattern. Is my only option ripping out the whole thing to those first 6 rows? I’m going to cry… Actually, I already unknit the purl pickups and now I have big holes.
It’s just hard to believe no clever soul has thought of a way to do it, but Googling it didn’t result in any ideas.
As far as picking up the wrapped purls is concerned, I knit up a sample and tried it there and it looked much better–I made sure I had the purl stitches in order and not twisted when I purled them and that seemed to help…
Any ideas?