Thank you all for the help! I’m really happy with how it my cardigan is turning out now! The ribbing looks much better just have to wait for it to dry and get the sleeves started.
Uneven knitting- thank you!
It’s perfectly gorgeous in every way, knitting, colors and scattering of blossems. Well done!
Wow! That’s beautiful! I love the flowers.
How crazy cute is that???
The colours and flowers look soooo adorable. Did you use a pattern for this or make it up yourself?
The knitting looks really even and the rib is perfect, a big improvement on the loosy goosy rib, can i ask how much did you reduce the needle size by? And did you need to change your rib stitch count as a result of the smaller needles?
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you! I used a basic cardigan pattern and the flowers are based on a Cardigan I found online! I love to find knitted items and make them instead of buying. I went from a size 3.75mm to 3.25mm and no I didn’t change the stitch count, I know some people do but it doesn’t seem to change the size
Wow how lovely this is and I love the flowers