Instructions says to Dec 1 st at the end of the 6 foll 4th rows, then on 5 foll 6th rows and at same time dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge of 3rd and 4 foll 4th rows then 18 alt rows 4 sets. Help please
Understanding shape front slope
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These are often confusing. I find it helps to write out the row numbers and check them off as I make the decreases.
If you call the next row, row 1 then decrease at the front slope on rows 4,8,12,16,20 and 24. Decrease on rows 30,36,42,48 and 54.
At the same time decrease at the raglan armhole on rows 3,7,11,15 and 19. Decrease on rows 21,23,25,27,29,31,33 and so on until you’ve worked 18 decreases every alt row. It looks like you’ll end with 4 stitches.
Thank you