Understanding Rowan instructions

Hi there, I hope you can help me out once again with a pattern Rowan Elly by Martin Storey (Baby cardigan) I’ve cast on 15 stitches
‘Left Front, Inc 1 st at beg of next row and at same edge on foll 8 rows’, ( this I think I understand that you inc 1 stitch at start of Knit row for 8 rows) then it goes on…’.then on 2 foll 3rd rows and at the same time shaping side seam by inc 1 st at beg of 4th(8th…)and foll 6th (…)row’. I am confused as to what they mean about 'on 2 foll 3rd rows, and from where do I calculate 8th and 6th rows ?

I have this one saved in my favorites.
Call the “next row”, row 1. Increase at the front edge on rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. Then increase on rows 12 and 15. This increase will be at the beg of some rows and the end of other rows.
Increase at the side seam on rows 5and 11 for the smallest size.

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Thank you so much, its such a pretty top I’m itching to complete it!!

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With regards to the Elly cardigan, and the corsage- I don’t know what it means by
Row 7 Slip stitch off left needle and unravel down to cast on edge (seemly loosing 20 stitches as the total then goes from 61 to 41). Can you advise?

Welcome to the forum!
You’ll be letting a single stitch ladder down to the cast on edge. It’s something you always avoid doing in knitting, that is dropping a stitch. In the video the dropped stitch is stopped partway but you are to ladder down all the way to the cast on.

Thanks I’ve got it now. I can see this creates a lace effect with the drop stitch now open.


When I do this for left front, it works up as right front, so is the increase at the start of the rows as indicated, written wrongly? Should it be:

Row 1 increase at end of row,
Row 2 inc at start… etc…

I am not an advanced knitter so this has me stumped.

Edit: Figured it finally, my assumption was correct as above. Dont increase at start of every row as the pattern states, alt row increases are at the end of said row. To say who wrote this pattern, there are so many anomalys in it, no wonder its a free one…

Welcome to the forum!
Your instincts are correct to look at the shape of the knit and question it but:
Using 4mm (US 6) needles cast on 12 [15: 18: 21] sts.
Beg with a K row, cont in st st as folls:
Work 1 row. (This is a knit row)
Inc 1 st at beg of next row (This is a purl row) and at same edge on foll 8 rows,

For whatever reason, the increases are placed at the beginning of the purl row. You could change them to the end of the knit row if you prefer.

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Thx Salmonac, I finally got the right shaping… not looking forward to the right front now haha.

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