fairly new to knitting
i struggle to understand patterns at certain points, wjich is so disheartning,and when it goes wrong i dont have a ‘go too’ person,doubly frustrating.
so… first question pattern says increase at each end of 3rd row and every following 6th so
is that increase on my 3rd then count another 3 to first 6th or count 1 to 6 from that 3rd row?
understanding instructions
I think you count that next row as ‘row 1’, so after that count 5 rows before doing more shaping.
Yes after the increase at the 3rd row start counting again at 1 and increase at 6.
Also it says “every following 6th” so it’s at 6, 12, 18 or until you have achieved whatever it says you need to get to (a number of stitches or a measurement of work, or it isn’t say how many times to do this instruction).
Any chance they tell you how many stitches you should end up with? You can then back into it. You got two different answers. I agree with Shintoga. I think you increase on rows 3, 9, 15, 21, etc. from the beginning.
Don’t get discouraged – there are lots of helpful people on this forum who will be your “go to” crowd.
If you don’t understand an explanation, try waiting 24 hours and then looking at it again. It is amazing how things can “click” after they have been in your brain for a day.
And you can always ask for more help or different wording if you are still stuck.
Hi. Just want to say I wasn’t disagreeing with @Shintoga. I was only adding a bit of extra information about the instruction of “every following”. I believe I have said the same as shintonga about when the next increase comes.
@Creations I’m sorry. I thought you meant rows 3, 6, 12, 18, etc., but you meant 3+6+6+6, etc. That’s why patterns should give row numbers and stitch counts.
Depending on the level of knitter they’re aimed at, patterns vary in what detail they put in their patterns. For beginner knitters they’ll spell out the instructions, row by row, with advanced knitters they’ll not give so much detail and the knitter has to figure it out for themselves. It might be a good idea to write the instructions row by row.
Send us a picture when you’re done!