Hi there,
I’m following a pattern for the first time trying to knit a baby cardigan. I’ve got on fine until the divide for back and front portion. It is knitted in a moss stitch pattern . The next part of the pattern states
Divide for Back and Front
Next Row. Patt2tog (neck edge) , patt 26, patt2tog, slip these 28 sts onto a stitch holder for Right Front, patt2tog, pattern 57, patt2tog, slip these 59 sts onto holder for back , patt2tog, part 26, patt2tog(neck edge)
A quick question as I have never followed a pattern before. The patt2tog and the following patt26 - is that just a continuation of the preexisting pattern. e.g if that pattern was P1, K1 would I P2tog and then pick up the pattern with K1 and continue another 25 times in pattern.
Many thanks for any help provided. As this is my first cardigan any suggestions or things to watch out for is greatly received and appreciated .