Understanding divide for back and fronts pattern.

Hi there,

I’m following a pattern for the first time trying to knit a baby cardigan. I’ve got on fine until the divide for back and front portion. It is knitted in a moss stitch pattern . The next part of the pattern states

Divide for Back and Front
Next Row. Patt2tog (neck edge) , patt 26, patt2tog, slip these 28 sts onto a stitch holder for Right Front, patt2tog, pattern 57, patt2tog, slip these 59 sts onto holder for back , patt2tog, part 26, patt2tog(neck edge)

A quick question as I have never followed a pattern before. The patt2tog and the following patt26 - is that just a continuation of the preexisting pattern. e.g if that pattern was P1, K1 would I P2tog and then pick up the pattern with K1 and continue another 25 times in pattern.

Many thanks for any help provided. As this is my first cardigan any suggestions or things to watch out for is greatly received and appreciated .



What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Working a decrease in a pattern like moss or seed stitch will interrupt the pattern. So if the pattern is p1,k1,p1,k1,p1,k1 for example and you work a p1,k1 then p2tog (the two bolded sts), the next stitch will be a purl stitch. You’ll have 2purls next to each other and that’s ok.

The best thing to do is to refer to the row below to make sure that you maintain the overall pattern and don’t cause a jog or misalignment. In your case the decreases are either side of the held sts and will likely fall into the seam anyway. Just be sure that the moss stitch aligns vertically after the decreases.

Thanks for your help . !

Both of these links should show you the pattern I’m working from and might help further. As it’s my first time knitting something with a neck line the idea of putting stitches into holders and picking them up later is a little daunting too.

Thank you for explaining, I will try to follow the pattern of the previous row and go from there.


Such a sweet sweater!

You’ll be able to tell right away if you aren’t working the correct stitch on the current row. The knitting will look more like ribbing than moss stitch.

Slipping stitches to holders isn’t nearly as difficult as you might imagine. Slip purlwise so that the sts just move from needle to holder without twisting. The stitch holder or a spare needle is much easier to use than scrap yarn when it comes to slipping sts back to a needle to work.

Thank you so much for your detailed help and encouragement. First time ever knitting any kind of worn garment and because it’s for my son I want to get it right.

I appreciate the video on using stitch holders, makes much more sense now I have seen it .


I hope it’s the first of many fitted garments. A child is great inspiration and motivation. This wil be adorable. Should any more questions come up, don’t hesitate to come back and ask. We’d love to see a photo when you finish!