Understanding directions

Good morning everyone. I am new to knitting and have just found out I am to be a Grandparent! yay for us. I have started knitting a small cardigan am a little confused with avRaglan sleeve pattern… it reads Dec at each end (at armhole edge) of next and alternate rows until 5 stitches remain …… does that mean I have to decrease at the start and end of every row knit and purl?

Congrats in the great news! How lovely to be blessed to knit a sweater for your first grand baby.

Alternate rows means every other row.
Next and alt rows, call the next row row 1, the decreases will be on rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and so on or until you reach the correct stitch count.
These are most likely to be all right side rows (knit rows if you are doing plain stockinette). Some patterns do call for decreases or increases on the wrong side rows too but in this case it’s not likely.

Hope this helps.
Don’t hesitate to ask again if there are more tricky bits.

What is the pattern name/number you are making?


Thank you for your warm wishes. the pattern is by Embassy and the pattern is called Baby’s first cardigan

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Enjoy the rest of your project. Maybe you’ll post a pic when you’re finished.

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