Help. Knitting front of small jumper for grandson.I am in shape raglan armholes.What does P2, work to last 2 sts,p2 when I am already on a purl row.Do you think its a printing error and it should be purl 2 together?
Unclear Pattern instructions
Hiya lucy n welcome to the party,
On the right side or knit rows does it ask you to purl the first two stitches also? If it does what you are doing is creating a selvedge or border stitches so that the piece doesn’t curl and the sides are kept moderately straight.
It’s part of the design n it’s ok.:knitting: knit on sistuh, knit on!!
Does the knit row have the decreases on it? If so, it’s probably as fibrenut posts, that the 2 edge sts are for selvedge.