Tw2l help


I’m hoping that someone can help me before my sanity resigns. My pattern says to TW2L, fine I can do that. But not if the stitch is a purple. So the second stitch on the needle needs to be a purple, then knit the first stitch and pull off. Can’t do it at all, even the pattern company can’t explain it to me. The pink photo is the TW2R which is fine and I think correct. The green is my attempts at the left twists, I just can’t not wrap that knit stitch to get to the purl. All help gratefully received.

Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Why is the purple influencing the stitch?
Are you working the Tw2L like this or is your pattern giving different directions?

The other way to work this is to use a cable needle to get that first stitch out of the way so you can work the second stitch.

Hi, the pattern is Smitten by Rowan. The instructions are below, the purple was a typo- I meant purl!! The videos are showing a twist using two knit stitches but this wants me to purl the second stitch on the left needle not knit it.
Tw2R = K into front of 2nd st on left needle leaving both sts on left needle,
P first st and slip both sts off left needle tog; Tw2L = P into back of 2nd st
on left needle leaving both sts on left needle, K first st and slip both sts off
left needle tog.

Are you remembering to purl through the back loop of that TW2L? Could it be that you are going into the front or perhaps knitting into the back, the PTBL maneuver is a bit of a dance with the needle and more so when trying to avoid the first stitch and work the second.
Have you tried slipping the first stitch onto a stitch holder, working the 2nd stitch then putting the 1st stitch back on to work that before dropping both stitches off the left needle? I use a removable stitch marker some times to temporarily hold a stitch off the needle.
Here’s purl tbl just in case, around 2 min 40 I think although you get more explanation if you watch from the start

Hi, thanks for the replying. I’m definitely purling through back loop, great video btw.
I think when I move my yarn to purl, it crosses the first stitch, when I pull both stitches off it’s like a horizontal line. Did the pink photo look right do you think?

You’re going to be working this twist into the next 2sts on the left needle. Bring the yarn to the front before the first stitch at the tip of the left needle. That means bringing the yarn to the front between the needles. Then purl through the back loop of the 2nd stitch and bring the yarn to the back ready to knit the first stitch.
It’s a little tricky to get that 2nd stitch tbl without the interference of the first stitch but it’s do-able.
If you find it too much, you can always use a cable needle to hold stitch one to the front, purl stitch 2 tbl then knit stitch one off the cable needle. It’s slower but it’ll work.

ETA: Ah, a video for just about everything. See if this one helps. It’s a little out of focus in the beginning but I think you can see the idea.