Tubular cast on

There are a lot of techniques for doing a tubular cast-on on the internet.
I want to do a 2x2 rib tubular cast-on and apparently, I have to do a 1x1 tubular cast-on and change it to 2x2. Also, one site says to go down 2 needle sizes whether doing a tubular cast-on or a tubular bind-off.

Does anyone have a favorite 2x2 tubular cast-on method and does anyone have an opinion on going down 2 needle sizes?

I’m holding a dk together with a silk mohair.

You can do it without the 1x1 if you work it this way. I’m not sure that it’s my favorite cast on for 2x2 however. I’d be tempted to go to a 1x1 tubular cast on and then continue with 1x1 rib despite a pattern recommendation.

Thank you for your response. The Very Pink lady has magic fingers. Since I have 108 stitches to cast on in the round, I’m going to do 1x1 ribbing.

I meant to say 1x1 tubular.