Trying on a work in progress on a circular needle

I have cable connectors, but my work in progress is not on needles that can be used with them. My options seem to be to temporarily transfer the sweater to the needle I can use with the connector, although it is .25 centimetres larger, or use the two needle method with a slightly smaller needle. There is also the option of transferring the stitches to waste yarn which doesn’t appeal to me. I have never tried on a work in progress before so have never used any of the above methods. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I have only tried on a project after transferring all the stitches to a thread (or waste yarn) and even then I struggled the first time as the thread wasn’t long enough to allow for the amount of stretch needed to get the object on and off even though I thought I had used a piece plenty long enough. I was amazed just how much extra movement was needed.
Personally I’m not sure there’s much value in trying on for size with it on the needles or a cable as the cable distorts the sizing although I know people do do that.

I use a very very long piece of embroidery thread rather than knitting yarn as I find it slippery enough not to drag on the stitches and thin enough not to distort them.

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I transferr about half the stitches to a smaller needle size, long circular. I use about a size 1 or 2, 42" long circular and transfer sts from the left hand needle. About half the sts stay on the original needle (assuming that gives me enough play to try on the garment). All the sts are then on a cable. When I’m finished trying on, I can knit off the smaller size needle directly onto the main working needle and continue with the project.

Thanks for your response. I actually have used embroidery thread, but just for a “lifeline” which I hope I won’t need.

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Take a look at Knitting Barber TKB cords which are designed for this purpose. I have some affordable alternatives on my pinterest board:

I tried on my top down WIP this morning to check how the armholes fit before moving on with the body. The front and back are on two needles. I’m doing traveling loop with a 47" fixed circ and for the second I used a 60" cable on my interchangeable tips. I’ll later try it on to be sure I’m happy with the sleeves. I’ve done this so many times I couldn’t begin to guess how many. I only use waste yarn if I really need to for trying on.

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I’ve considered this. I’ve read that the colored tubing tends to have a bad smell so I think I’d try to find some of the non-colored stuff in the size I’d need. For now I don’t really need more gizmos and gadgets so I’ve not bothered.

As a follow up to your response below, I did end up transferring the sweater to embroidery thread and did a test block (1st time for both).I agree that it worked much better than leaving it on the needle. Thanks again for your advice.



You’re welcome.
Hope it going well for you.

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