Trapped stitch marker

I’m knitting a hat in the round and apparently lost track of my starting stitch marker for a few rows ;( So it got stuck into a stitch several rows down. Unfortunately it isn’t a locking/unlocking marker so I had to cut it off and now have a pretty but useless stitch marker.

My question is—was there a better way to remove this? Logically, I know there has to be but it is somehow not coming to me. Also, other than paying more attention & not watching TV while knitting, is there a better way to avoid this in the future?

I feel pretty lame even posting this, but…TIA :wink:

It’s a good question. If there’s a way around it other than cutting as you did or ripping back to the marker (don’t even think about it), I don’t know.
I love locking markers and prefer these bulb stitch markers because I tend to work with fingering to worsted weights.


I’m not sure i understand how it got trapped, was it originally on your needle or around a stitch? Did you knit through it by putting your working needle through it at the same time as a stitch?

I have some the same as salmonmac linked to, I have a few different sorts because they came free with my set of knitting needles so I’ve had the unexpected chance to try out different types. I like those linked go going around the needle because they are thin and don’t distort the yarn when I knit past. I’m not so keen kn them for linking to a single stitch because mine are sharp and can damage my yarn if I’m not careful.

You could use yarn as a marker, easier to cut if you forget it again.

The only thing I came up with is I somehow knitted into it when I pulled a loop through the stitch–guess I looked up at what was on TV instead of down to what I was doing! It was the marker placed when I joined in the round.

Yarn is definitely an option :wink:



Thanks. I have some of the ones you linked and I guess I’ll start using them. I was a sucker for some pretty ones at my LYS but practicality will have to win this one.

I did consider ripping down to the marker, so it’s nice to hear such an experienced knitter as you nix that idea. I thought it should be able to work but was too chicken that I’d pick the wrong stitch to drop! And ripping out all the rows back to the marker just wasn’t something I wanted to consider.

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If you knitted through the loop of the marker, you could have laddered down to it. But if the pattern was lace or another complex pattern that could be difficult ohr impossible. Stockinette st or garter st would be the only ones I would try laddering down to a trapped stitch marker.