Translating UK pattern to US

Trying to understand the following passages in a child’s Nautical Jacket pattern I found in UK book.

Decone st at raglan armhole edge of next and [4,3,2,1] foll fourth rows, then on foll [9,13,16,20] alt rows AND AT SAME TIME De one st at front slope edge of next and foll [8,6,7,5] alt rows, then on [4,6,6,8] foll fourth rows. Two sts

I’m confused as to how many rows and when am I doing the decreases.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Welcome to KH!
Which size are you making, the first, second, third?

For example, for the first size in brackets dec one stitch at the armhole edge on the next row (call it row 1) and then on rows 5,9,13 and 17. Dec one stitch at this same edge on rows 19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33 and 35.
Decrease one stitch at the front slope edge on rows 1, 3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17 and then rows 21,25,29 and 33.

It may help to set up a chart with a column for the decrease row numbers at the armhole and a column for the decrease rows at the front edge. That way you can check them off as you work the rows.

I’m doing the third size. You make a great suggestion. How did you come up with the rows to decrease?

Dec one st at raglan armhole edge of next and 2 foll fourth rows, then on foll 16 alt row
AND AT SAME TIME Dec one st at front slope edge of next and foll 7 alt rows, then on 6 foll fourth rows

I’ve deleted the other sizes. Call the next row, row 1.
Then for the armhole, the following fourth rows means to knit 3 more rows with no dec, dec on the 4th row and repeat once more. So that’s rows 1,5 and 9.
The following 16 alternate rows means every other row for 16 times; so that’s rows 11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41

For the neck shaping which goes on at the same time as the armhole shaping, the next row is still the same row 1. Dec on rows 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. That’s every other or every alternate row for 7 times after the dec on row 1. The following fourth rows dec on row 19, work 3 rows with no dec, dec on the fourth which is row 23 then on rows 27,31,35 and 39.

Reading through these direction together they make your eyes roll back. They aren’t so confusing if you take the directions one at a time and write them out. Enjoy working the shaping!

You are brilliant. Math is not my strong suit, but it finally clicked! Thank you so much!:grinning: