Hi, I am new here and new to knitting, just finished, nearly, the back of my first jumper. I am stuck on this instruction two create raglan armholes:
Dec 1 st at each end of next 1 (1,5,7,11,15) rows, then on 1 (0,0,0,0,0) foll 4th row, then on foll 23 (26,25,25,25,24,23) alt rows, 38 (40,40,42,42,42) sts.
Work 1 row, ending with ws row. cast off.
Okay, so I know dec means decrease and I usually S1K1 pass slipped stitch over, but as it doesn’t say, is this right, in other parts it does say k2tog, but not here?
I think the () denote the different sizes, but these don’t seem to make sense to me? If I am making the largest size do I dec 1 st at each end of next 15 rows, then 0 dec on 4th row then dec 1 each end of foll 23 alt rows - is this dec 1 st each end of ever other row for 23 rows or alternate 23 rows, ie 46 rows? to leave 38 sts?
Also does ending with ws row mean, end after completing the ws row or with that facing me to cast off?
Many thanks, I really miss my Maternal grandma, she could really knit!:knitting: :knitting: :knitting: