I just got finished w/ a tendon injury in my left THUMB joint… and there was no way I could knit. I wasn’t allowed… the pain was horrible … but, the doctor told me that even if you can’t see it… the movements of knitting do ‘cause movements’ that an injury can’t get well if they are constantly doing.
So, as they say… just suck it up… be glad for what you had already finished. *I had only managed to knit 2 gifts (because I had started early this year)… and rest it, elevate it, and/or ice it… whatever the doctor told you to do.
If you rest it… it will get well faster. If you try to knit when it’s not well enough… it will extend the injury. Honest. So, enjoy the hot chocolate, watch the Christmas movies and enjoy the time reading/etc.
If you haven’t figured it out… use a pillow to rest your elbow on when sleeping and sitting down. It will help w/ the pain and the feeling of things ‘feeling pulled.’
Sorry it happened. And, I do know it’s frustrating. This is the 3rd time that I’ve had a hand or a wrist injury the past several years. This one (tendon) wasn’t as long lasting as the others were.