Hi! I am trying to knit a sweater for the first time and I’m really struggling to understand the pattern.
I have 100 stitches and placed the following markers: armhole (3 st), shoulder (10 st), armhole (3 st), back (34 st), armhole (3 st), shoulder (10 st), armhole (3 st), back (34 st)
What I don’t understand are the following increase instructions: Continue increasing 1 st before and after the 3 armhole sts (note: knit two stitches in one to increase) as follows:
on the sleeves on every 2nd row: 1 st 28 times, on the body on every 4th row: 1 st 9 times and then on every 2nd row: 1 st 14 times = 304 sts.
So the armhole sections stay the same and we will need to increase 28 st on the first stitch of the “shoulders” sections every 2nd row? How do you even get 28 from 1 st? I thought you only knit two stitches instead of 1 so the increases are one at a time, how do you get the 28? (same question for how to do the 9 and 14 times 1 st for the body)
And alsoif you do 1 st 9 times every 4th row and 1 st 14 times every 2nd row for the body… don’t those overlap?
Any help would be really appreciated, I have been thinking about this for hours and cannot figure it out. Thank you!!