Toe up socks

Finished toe-up socks on two circular needles - used eastern cast on which looks weird to start but works really, really well.

I am looking for a neater 1x1 rib bind off. I used a simple yarn over and while it does the job, it’s not a very pretty finish. Any suggestions are welcome!IMG_1145

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Beautiful socks!
I love the sewn bind off. You need to isolate yourself in a quiet place and concentrate on the 4 steps (at least until you get the hang of it). Don’t stop or put the bind off down until you’ve completed a set of the 4 steps. The edge is stretchy and looks polished.

I use this bind off anywhere I can even converting 2x2 rib to 1x1 so I can use it.

Thank you for the kudos and the suggestion. Since I am really liking the toe up sock, I will try your suggestion for the sewn bind off next pair!

Test it out on a swatch. That way, if you don’t like it, you can just discard it. It is the very devil to try to pick out if you don’t like the look or have made a mistake.

Have a look at this site, there are many options for binding off:


Engblom, which bind off do you prefer or does it depend on the sock pattern stitches?

I have used Lori’s Twisty Bind Off, because it is so easy to do and absolutely no flare.