To sweater or not to sweater

Is it worth it to knit a sweater? I’m not great at seeming I’ve never blocked but I’m sick of big squares, blankets scarves dish cloths. Is knitting a sweater worth while or would it be easyier to just not bother. I’m looking for something easy like a V cut sweater that I could knit in cotton or something else that is machine washable. In a perfect world I’d love a seemless sweater without stripers and other stuff.

I don’t like to seam and have never done much of it. If you’ll wear a sweater then sure, it’s a good thing to make. It’s a good experience at the very least and you do learn a lot!

There are a ton of seamless patterns. Do you want a cardigan or pullover? We can find a few patterns if you give us an idea.

Try the top down pattern generators at, and at

Put in your gauge and the finished size you want and it makes a pattern for you. I think there’s instructions for a V neck and cardigan.

Try a top down, seamless top. I just made this one twice, once with the lace (and added the lace down the center back & sleeves) and once w/out lace.

Here’s a popular cardi:

Here’s a few ideas for cardigans. If you want something specific you’ll need to say so it can be narrowed down.

The more I think about it the more I’m wondering if theres such thing as a cardigen that is maybe more of a crop. Or a little on the form fitting that would be awesome especially if its three quarter lenth sleves or short sleeved. Thanks for all the links. as always for me the more straight forward the better.

There’s theAnthropologie inspired capelet, which is really a bolero sweater. You can make it longer than that, or with longer sleeves or with the knit side out. It’s a top down raglan so you just increase until the back sts are about half the size of the finished measurement you want.

I hear you on the seaming part. I try to avoid that as much as possible. I love top down sweaters, top down mittens, and toe up socks.

With the exception of soap sacks, and fingerless gloves everything I seem falls apart I must be doing it wrong I’ve watched tons of videos on it but still it falls apart.

The nice thing about knitting down top sweaters for children is that, if you’re careful to mark where your thread end weaves are, you can undo it and knit more onto it. I made a car coat type sweater for my son, a little on the large side, when he was 2 years old. I just added more on the bottom and sleeves as he grew. He wore that sweater for two or three years.