I just heard about The Knitting Guild Association and their master knitter program. I don’t know much about it, only what I have read on their website. Honestly, I trust the people here on knittinghelp.com and thought maybe you all had some nice honest opinions of the program. I don’t intent on using knitting as a profession, but I certainly love the idea of becoming a true master at my craft and I think this program could serve as some guidance while I try to become a well rounded knitter. So any thoughts? Any bad or good experiences with the program? It’s a bit pricey, so I would want to make sure its worthwhile before I went ahead with it.
Thanks everyone!
TKGA Masters Program
I’ve thought about doing that too, as it sounds very interesting and certainly for a lot of people a very organized learning program works very well (I’m one of them). All of the few people I know of (none of whom I know personally) who have gone through it have been very pleased…
I am currently working on Lesson 2 of the Basics, Basics, Basics class, and am enjoying it immensely! This class is recommended as a good class to take prior to starting the Masters program, and as a good intro to the process. The feedback about my knitting has been amazing and very helpful. I already see improvements in my knitting.
If you are on Ravelry, there is a TKGA group, which is a good way to connect with others going thru the same class as you. The TKGA message board is another good source for info about everyone’s experiences in the classes.
I just wanted to say Welcome! to Sandygale :balloons:
I’ve heard of the masters program and thought it sounded awesome, but something I wouldn’t be ready for for quite a while. But the Basics class is something I might be ready for now, and I hadn’t heard of that.
Thanks for mentioning it Sandygale! Is there a website where I can get more info?
the knitting guild of america is a private corporation.
the Masters course is a good course, but its a product.
Its not accrediated by any organization.
It has the advantage of having qualified experts evaluate your swatches. (IT GETS YOU IN THE HABIT OF MAKING SWATCHES!)
You INVEST in the course, and you do the work.
You could teach your self, but for many of us… unless we have a structure, (and the course does provide structure) and feed back–its hard to be motivated.
You can become a master knitter by just knitting.
by making swatch, by be realistic and reasonable about how good they really are…
but the course is impartial… its honest. it is a standard…
Like any activity, you get out of it what you invest (in time, in practice, in money!)
you can go to www.tkga.com for all the information. They also list their conference info and have membership perks. You should give the Basics class a try, it sounds fun!