Thought I Was Stuck

[COLOR=darkred]It’s been ages since I have posted … we had gotten a little deaf bull terrier in September who turned out to be a constant barker … our other two dogs were becoming loose cannons, my husband turned into a screaming lunatic, my daughter is 17 and was useless and training and walking just didn’t tire her out … I suffered an emotional breakdown in October and had to go to a therapist … ultimately we all agreed that puppy would have to be rehomed, which we did the end of November … so now I have been able to get back with my knitting and attempting to finish a shawl I started last year (40 times) … I’m now getting the hang of it so have a good chunk of it done …was progressing along nicely until I got stuck on the Vandyke Pattern … seemed the stitches added up to 84 instead of the 92 I had cast on … I read and re read then discovered I was not doing one repeat so was shorting myself … aggghhhhh. :passedout: [/COLOR]

That’s sad about the dog, but at least he (she?) went to a good home.

I’m glad you were able to figure out where you were getting stuck. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

Nice to see you again! I’m sorry about the puppy, but I’m glad you’re feeling better. I think you did the right thing. :hug: