This Is How I Knit

I wish I could ‘flick.’ I guess as long as you knit - it’s all good! :knitting:

When you say one of my fingers which one? I tend to control the working yarn with the index finger of my left hand and support the right needle and stitches i have just worked with my right index finger and sometimes a litle of my middle finger.

How do you meen going to the left and to the right? i’m interested as i learnt how to knit watching the videos on here too. It is surprising how quickly you can adapt to your own style.

That is what I do too! I have tried again and again to learn how to hold the yarn over my fingers so I can just smoothly hook it over, but fail every time! I’m crying right with ya!

Your left index finger goes over and then your left two fingers go over. I need to film myself and have you tell me what type knitting I do. I am left-handed and my grandmother taught me years ago and she was right-handed. Apparently, it was difficult for her to teach me, but she did.

Demonica, I love the bag you knitted, also. Is that I-cord drawstrings?

Thank you! Yep, they are i-cord.

Yep, that’s how I do it too (knitting)…and keeping a “kid” out of my face at the same time:frog: but I never put my project down…cause either the cats or “the kid” will try and finish it for me:hug:

In your video you bring your yarn [I]under[/I] the right needle and wrap it over top from [I]right to left[/I].

In Amy’s video, she brings the yarn [I]over[/I] the right needle and wraps over top from [I]left to right[/I].

It is really neat to see that knitting can happen in so many different ways. My best friend that I knit with knits the same way as I do, but she holds her yarn differently. I think it has more control than wrapping around the pinky, but it was hard for me to even make an attempt because I was so used to my way. If I really want to make the change (and I do), then I will have to sit down with a big ball of yarn and practice, practice, practice.

Ok…here it is…the way I knit…

This is [B][U]exactly[/U][/B] how I knit!!

Doesn’t Lily Chin knit like that. I saw someone on Knitty Gritty using this same technique, and I think it was her.

I throw
(my cat out the door when he destroys my knitting) :roflhard:

hehehe, seriously, I knit the English method, although recently I’ve been trying the contenential style. My problem is I can’t grasp the yarn properly…

does anyone have one of those little knitting songs for contenential knitting (starting with the wrap)?

Yeah, I’ve been practicing continental as well and while I can do it, it still feels so awkward…lol…The knitting part isn’t so bad, I can do that pretty smoothly but purling, gah!

Oh, what a cutie! I knit the same way, except somehow I learned to hold the yarn around my index finger a slightly different way. Shortly into my knitting journey, I saw Amy’s videos, in which I believe she holds it like you do—I tried it and can’t do it…it’s like there’s not enough control or something.

But very similar. Tell Simon he has admirers online. :slight_smile:

How do you knit and not look? That’s amazing.

English knitter and knit like you do, Demonica.
I also have kids in my face, on my lap and sometimes a cat.:teehee:

How do you knit and not look? That’s amazing.

Just takes practice and something easy like all knit or all purl sts. Try it yourself with some scrap yarn… Knit a few rows, then look up, out the window or at tv, and knit a st without looking. Then another. You feel with the fingers of your left hand and the right hand knows how to make the movements (if you knit english). Try it and you might be surprised.

I knit Continental and i’ll try to make a video tomorrow :slight_smile: I can also knit without looking, but when it’s plain knit or purl and NOT lace yarn :teehee:.

I knit like you :slight_smile:

That’s what my attempt at English looked like.
If I had tried a way that wrapped the finger I might have stayed with that way.

I’ve been practicing. I think that’s how you do it, practice knitting without looking.

The main reason I get along with knitting better than crochet is because I don’t have to look as hard. I can knit more colors than I can crochet.
Black and crochet is a sure migraine for me.

My sister has been crocheting so long she doesn’t have to look.