This is hilarious!


:rofl: Those are really done well. I watched the one you posted and spent another hour watching the rest. :lol:

I’d seen that before, I LOOOOOOOVE it!

Jan, So glad you posted this. I saw part of it on TV and missed a lot. Glad to see all of it.

I agree with Ingrid and Arielluria. It’s so well done - impeccable timing and excellent interpretation. Luv it. I see it’s coming up on 5mil. hits.
I also watched some of the others. Lots of laughs - the most fun I’ve had in a while. Jean


Have you seen the talking cats one?? It’s older but sooo funny!

I had also seen this before but enjoyed again. Absolutely hilarious. Thanks for sharing and making my day. :roflhard:

Yes Sara, I thought I’d have a hemorrhage with the guy pretending the very bad me-ow, me-ow imitation. It’s difficult writing from the floor. Thanks. Jean

Cute, but not really my kind of humor, I guess!

However, I do like the one where the dog attacks his own back leg (which, strangely enough, is trying to steal his bone). That one makes me laugh so hard I cry!