Thinking of our snowed in Knitters

I’m sure we have some Oklahoman’s on the boards, but I’m racking my brain trying to remember who they are. I’m hoping they are all staying safe and warm without power. I’m presuming they have nice warm knitware to help bar the cold. On one of my other groups there was a call out for food, water, ice (for coolers) and firewood because they are running so low on those things. A friend of mine’s son has lost all the food in his fridge and lives in the dorms, so everyone is congregating in the common room where there is a fire place. Hopefully we will hear from our snowed in friends soon and know that all is well.

:hug: I hope everyone is safe and warm!!

My MIL and BIL both live right outside Tulsa. He lost his electricity and most of his trees in the ice storm earlier this week. They are staying with MIL. It’ll be longer now before they get electricity back because of all the snow on top of it.

Ice storms suck but I love snow… we didn’t lose power but everything is covered in 4" of snow, then 1/2" ice, then another 3" of snow atm here. SINCE we didn’t lose power, its really lovely. Ice covered trees are beautiful when they aren’t falling on things. (When I was little the tree in our yard put a hole in our house and one in the neighbor’s house during an ice storm).
Hope all the power issues get resolved soon, everyone… winter is a bad time to be without power!