Things that make you go un huh

[B]"Show me a person who’s house is completely clean, laundry is done and meals are cooked and waiting in the freezer, and I’ll show you…

…a person’s who’s computer is broken!!!"[/B]


:roflhard: I love it!

Yep…that would probably be me. I have to have my computer.

Thanks for a chuckle. :teehee:

You`re welcome Chicky.

After I posted it I looked around my house and it`s clean, my laundry is done and I have several containers of home made soup in my freezer, BUT my computer is working! Add to that I have a pair of socks just finished and another pair OTN. Does this make me abnormal or what…


Not abnormal - unique. I envy your energy.

Not energy!!! DH would have gone naked to work today and there were no clean cups left in the cupboard. It was time to work!!! :aww:

Um…that would make you blessed (or OCD?). :teehee:
My house is a wreck because my children did not do their chores, and we’re struggling to figure out what’s for dinner. And I have one scarf OTN that will stay there until classes are over at the end of the month. I’m not OCD, obviously…I just don’t have enough hours in the day.


that’d be obsessive compulsive disorder.

Nope, no OCD here, just didn’t want him going naked today. It’s COLD out there! AND when there is not a clean cup in the house to have my morning coffee from, I decide it’s work time! AND the reason there is food in the freezer is because I made soup from the left over turkey the day after Christmas day, and again from the left over ham the day after New Years day. The pea soup with ham is almost gone now, I think there is only one tub left. The turkey is still in the freezer and we will be attacking it next. Nothing beats a nice hot bowl of hearty soup when you butt is frozen to your chair (remember, I live in Canada)!