The Ultimate Picture of Laziness

:roflhard: :roflhard:
To clear the record, Pele usually sleeps on the BIG couch. I have no idea why he chose the other one…probably because I had set up shop right in front of it.

What we need to do is take up a collection so that Auburnchick’s family can have a couch to themselves!

Pele has totally ruined us. Before we adopted him (yes…from our local animal shelter), we had ONE well-behaved dog who was not allowed to roam around the house or get on furniture. Pele was so cute when he climbed on the couch that we didn’t have the heart to move him. Now, he thinks he OWNS the couches (not to mention the rest of the house)!

I did buy the dogs a $90 large, thick foam bed, which my older dog just adores. Pele sleeps on it sometimes, but his favorite is the couch. Go figure.

Oh, and he does snore a bit. Last night, he sounded like he was having bad dreams, so I would gently pet him to try to make him happy, and then he would start growling. Strange critter…this one.

What a hard life that dog has!

Awww! He’s so snuggly!!

LOL! That is too cute! Ain’t that the life?? haha

I feel your pain. My parents SPCA dog who is now 12 is a shephard/dobbie mix (really long) sleeps on the couch and they used to have a HUGE couch so all was well. Then they got this little loveseat thing with recliners built in that nobody ever gets to use b/c dear dog needs his spot and really doesn’t like to be crowded !!
In my house the new SPCA “boxer” has claimed my recliner so I have to move her over to have room to sit and knit ! She will get up and pout for a bit, but always comes right back to snuggle up or steal a tissue.

Gotta love the puppers

to cute
when i die i want to come back as a dog
to a good home such as yours

Pele probably thought the foam bed was for YOU guys, and he had the rest! :lol: I just love the way pets can take over a house. The dog I had when I was a teenager would sleep in my bed at night. Very quickly, the bed became hers, and every night I had to fight with her to get some space. :teehee:

:teehee: Ahhhh…to be able to relax like that!

LOL, that pup has been taking lessons from my cats!

Had one that adopted my husbands desk chair and would give him the dirtiest looks and meow plaintively whenever he caught DH sitting in it. Our current cat loves DH’s recliner during the day, but at 3:PM, when I get hubby up for work, the cat goes into the bedroom and appropriates the King-sized bed.

(The cat, my german shepherd, and the kitten that was dumped along the highway out front a couple months back also realize that yoga is just an excuse for me to lay on the floor with them–they come running and sprawl out with me…the dogs with his head on my shoulder and the cats on my chest and legs.:inlove: )