Thanks for the help! First project finished!

Second technically if you count a very poorly made beanie.

Thanks everyone for your tips and encouragement! Finished jumper picture as promised.


Congratulations on a very successful first project. It’s a “Wow, you made that!” And thank you for the lovely finished sweater photo.


Fabulous! Congrats! Its so neatly worked and an eye catching design, everyone will be asking about it.

What next?


Thanks so much! I never thought I’d actually finish it! :joy:

I appreciate that so much! I’m torn as to the next project between something that pushes me to learn new techniques without making me want to cry or something made with super chunky yarn that I can finish quickly. I am quite taken with this though…

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I have had this pattern marked for some time, it has that unusual detail on the waist. Very nice.

That’s really great work for a first project of that size!

Wow! Congratulations! That’s VERY nice work for a new knitter. And I think that Rowan sweater would stretch your skills a little without being overwhelming, just the button bands and buttonholes that would be very different. And you know–there’s no law against having TWO projects going at once! :smiley: You could do the chunky beanie when you want a break from stockinette. (Says the woman with 2 knit and 2 crochet projects vying for her time…)


Lovely isn’t it. Unusual without being off the wall. Also gives me an excuse to buy lovely buttons!

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Thank you so much! That’s so kind.

That’s so lovely to hear, thank you so much! And yeah, I feel you on that one. I can practically feel my unfinished crochet blanket glaring at me whenever I pick up knitting :joy:

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I know…I crocheted for 40 years before I learned to knit. And as I feared, more than doubled my “I wanna make THAT!!!” list. I tend to have a couple of projects that take less concentration, for going to my craft group, and a couple I can only do at home because they require more attention. And we won’t discuss the drawer full of UFOS!! :sweat_smile: