I truly appreciate the accolades you are giving to these ladies. Let me tell you a couple things you may not know about military wives. My husband is retired Navy and I married him when he was in the military, had both my children in the military and moved, moved, moved every three years. I cannot comment except generally on military wives, but first off, the pay is still ridiculously low. When my husband retired after 20 years, he was only making about $20,000 a year and he was senior enlisted. Their children suffer from lack of a father being there, they get shuffled from school to school, home to home, away from grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles. They have to suffer through broken appliances, cars, etc. They learn to fix things they never thought they could because they can’t afford to send them to be repaired. Unless they work a lot of times, military wives struggle to keep up the bills, feed the kids, and give them a decent life. My children had to use the free lunch program and actually qualified because our monetary status was so low. Our children were highly embarrassed doing this and having to wear Kmart instead of mall clothes. Army wives now have long absences with their husbands, but when Jack was in, it was mainly Navy wives who had spouses gone a lot. One year Jack was home 90 days total in the whole year and it wasn’t even a cruise. He happened to be ship’s company, which meant whenever the ship left the dock for whatever reason he had to go with. We had Christmas without him just one year out of the 20, unlike so many others, but it was awful. We were also snail mailers. There were no cell phones, internet, computers or the like. We had to write letters and he would call from a pay phone collect when they got into port. We would sit around the phone on the day he was to call, many times, in the middle of the night our time and look forward to hearing his voice.
So, if you know of a lady whose husband is in the military, take her a plate of cookies, invite her dinner at your house, whatever. They would appreciate it more than you know. They are a true rare breed and I don’t know of a more courageous bunch of women than the wives of the military!