Term Ridges?

Hope someone help to answer, I think I know what the term ridges mean - garter stitch - knit one row, purl the next row. Making an afghan by knitting squares with the designed instruction. When starting, it asks to knit 3 ridges, now does that mean knit the two rows three times. Noting I may have done it wrong and want to do the rest of the squares correctly. Thanks for help in advance.

You are correct…knit one row, purl one row three times (6 rows but 3 ridges).


Sincere thanks JudyD. So now I will have to figure on adding a few rows when I started my first square from the beginning. I know it’ll all work out. LOL

Garter stitch is knit every row. Two row equal “one ridge.” So 3 ridges=knit 6 rows.

Stockinette is knit 1 row, purl the next & repeat. It gives you a v pattern on one side & little bumps on the other.