Hi everyone!
I’ve started a sweater for my toddler grandson. It took me sooo long to get the correct tension, and after successfully completing the back, I was keen to start on the front, as it has a monkey face, which is my first attempt at intarsia. That is going surprisingly well, or was, until after 21 rows in, I checked the front against the back… there seems to be a good inch difference in both the width, and row height! My thoughts are that I’m working too tightly, as I’m keen to keep the ‘winds’ tight. My question is, and I think I know the answer, do I have to ‘frog’ it and start again, or, if I loosen my tension now, will it all magically come right in the end?! At least it’s ‘only’ 21 rows!
Thanks in advance!
Tension too tight on the front piece 🙈
The entire front is an inch too narrow?
What is the name of your pattern?
I don’t thing keeping the twists tight at the color change would make this much difference unless there are multiple color changes across the rows. Then it might be affecting adjoining sts and causing gauge problems. There’s not a need to pull the yarn tightly when you change color.
If the entire front is off by an inch, that’s not so bad and could probably be dealt with in blocking. Loosening tension is best done by changing needle size but I’m afraid that would leave a line across your knitting. If you decide to rip back and change needle size above any ribbing that may be your best bet.
Thank you for your reply Salmonmac. The pattern is called Rizzo, from a book of baby and toddler knits from MakerCo. I think I’ll have to bite the bullet and rip back, and not get too tense next time! I think I was just knitting the whole thing tight, but now I’m not scared of the intarsia, hopefully I’ll be more relaxed! Thanks again!
If you need to you can always go up a needle size to match front and back gauge. Easing up on the twists will help. Good luck with it!
I actually had to go down a needle size, to get the correct tension in the first place Thank you! I’m quite excited for my first intarsia project!