Tension square in pattern

Hi, I’ve started knitting a tension square, however, the pattern seems to decrease the sts so I can’t see how I’m going to be able to reach 10cm square. I could be missing something completely as I’m new to more complex patterns but please assist! (please see photos)

Thanks in advance,

I’d cast on enough stitches for about 6"/15 cm and work the stitch pattern used in the main part of the garment for about the same length without decreases or increases then measure at the middle. For accurate gauge the swatch needs to be larger than 4"/10 cm.

The conversion to cm from inches courtesy of an internet search so if it’s off blame the internet search.

ETA the gauge given might be for stockinette, I don’t know. If so then I’d go with that.

What a graceful back to this top!
The pattern rows actually aren’t decreasing. The yfwd (a yarn over) increase balances out the sL1K, K1, psso decrease in row 1.
In row 2 the yrn (yarn round needle) increase balances out the P2tog decrease. Yrn is basically a yarn over between purl sts.

The pattern states gauge swatch is to be done in stocking stitch, knit one row, purl one row .

Thank you - I think I had been doing one of the yfwd/yrn wrong so I will try again!

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You’ll see it also asks for one in pattern too

Thank you for the helpful info, I’m always lazy and think 10cm will be enough but you’ve taught me otherwise

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