Tearing my hair out!!

Hello everyone, please can someone help me as I really feel I am absolutely rubbish at understanding what to do.
Am knitting a raglan sleeved cardigan for my granddaughter, I have knitted before but never finished it as my mother used to. (Sewing up) I know hopeless!
So mum has passed and I am now trying myself.
Pattern says join raglan seams, which I presume are sleeves to back and the two fronts.
I thought I had done two on the front but now I am confused because I don’t think it’s right. How can I make a mistake with raglan sleeves when there both the same :woman_facepalming:
Is there anybody out there who can give me pointers as to what I should be doing, as in child terms? I have asked my friend so many times I can’t ask again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.

Don’t tear your hair out your head will get cold!!

We can help.
Lots of help here.

Can you post a pic of what you have got, if it is in pieces or joined, so we can see what bits of cardigan you have knitted?
Can you also tell us the name or pattern number and designer or publisher so we know what the pattern is?

Don’t panic.

Thank you.
I have just sat and pinned it together then taken out and done it again and I think…….it is right. Never knitted raglan before and good help me when I have to do the borders😂
It’s a king Cole 5740. Patterns are so confusing especially to a beginner, I wish there were videos showing it step by step. I have found slow motion ones but what I need is step 1 etc etc.
So, in summary I think I have sorted it and now to sew up as much as I can. I am sure I will be back!
Thanks to all who has read this - sorry for my breakdown :woman_facepalming:


I had at least two breakdowns re knitting already today. lol


Welcome to the forum!

Pinning the seams first is an excellent idea. Here’s a diagram of the overall seams in case it helps.

It looks like the top of the sleeves may well form part of the neck band stitches.


Me too!


Only two? That’s a good day.


There are videos for most aspects of standard sweater designs. If you get stuck, you can ask here and we will help you find a video or tutorial that relates to the part you are working on.


Thank you, but I fear disaster is looming :joy:

You’ve come this far on a very cute sweater. I’m sure the finishing will be the icing on the cake. No disasters here! Post a photo if you think it will help.

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Have you chosen a sewing method? Mattress stitch?
Have you practiced with some spare fabric or swatch first? Practise always gives me more confidence before I tackle the real thing. I was amazed when I discovered mattress stitch and tried it a few time in swatches first to get the hang of it.
Good luck.

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