I have never taught anyone to knit before. However, a friend of mine is really interested. He had learned to knit a long time ago, but hadn’t knit in several years.
I am trying to help get him refreshed on casting on, knitting, purling, and casting off. He was pretty much a beginner when he quit, and he’d not done much purling.
I tried to interest him in a dishcloth and gave him some Sugar & Cream. The reason I gave him the S&C is that he’s vegan, as in - no animal fibers! (Oh the horror). However, he wants to make a scarf instead. I don’t think S&C is going to make a very cozy scarf, but whatever. He wanted to use purl sts in a background of stockinette to make a motif (I wrote out a pattern for him), but it’s not showing up very well.
So now he wants me to show him how to do the motif in a 2nd color! IDK, I feel like intarsia is kind of a big step for a “learn to form stitches and recognize a knit vs. a purl stitch, etc” project.
What do you guys think? Am I raining on his parade? I [B][I]can[/I][/B] do intarsia, it’s just my least favorite because it’s so fussy IMO. I don’t want to be discouraging, but I also don’t want to set him up for making something super difficult and then losing interest.